To the Child Christian Adoption Services believes that the child is our primary client. We are committed to placing children in carefully screened homes, where they will have their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs met and where they will be nurtured in the love of Christ.
To the Birth Parents Free, confidential counseling is offered to each birth parent. Counseling focuses on helping birth parents discern the plan they want to make for their child. When that plan includes adoption, we work to prepare them emotionally, walk them through the adoption process, give them loving and nonjudgemental support, offer them quality and well-screened adoptive families from which to choose, and help them create their own unique adoption plan.
To the Adoptive Parents CAS offers couples the opportunity to build their families through adoption. We can provide home study and post placement services for infant, international, or embryo adoption. We assist couples in wading through the complex adoption process, offering emotional support as well as practical help during the adoption process and after.
One of our families who finalized their 2nd adoption in 2022
The Adoption Process
Christian Adoption Services assists adoptive couples in North Dakota and Minnesota through the adoption process, in order to enable you to fulfill your dreams of parenthood. The home assessment covers such issues as your feelings about infertility and adoption, your marriage and home, finances, parenting, family history, spirituality, and various adoption dynamics issues. Once your home assessment is approved, you will go on a waiting list of adoptive couples, and a profile will be actively presented to birth parents who are selecting the adoptive family for their children.
When the big day of placement finally arrives, we ensure that all the necessary legal requirements are fulfilled and the necessary paperwork is filed. After placement, we conduct the post placement supervisory visits and write the accompanying reports. At the end of the supervisory period, we file the report to court and other necessary documents so that you may complete the finalization of the adoption in your local county court.
Following finalization of the adoption, CAS is available as a resource to families if and when adoption-related issues arise. We are also available to assist with search services if requested, when your child is at the appropriate age.
The Process
Application/Initial Screening
Home Study Orientation/Training
Home Study
Match Meeting
Hospital Time
Post Placement Services
Post-Finalization Services
Approximate Time for Completion of Services
From application to Home Study Orientation: 1-6 months
From Home Study Orientation to completion of home study: 2-8 months
From completion of home study to placement of a child: 1-36 months, depending on being selected by or matched with birth parents.
Please note that these are estimated time frames only. CAS cannot guarantee the placement of a child within a particular period of time, as the number of children placed varies from year to year, and as birth parents select the family they want to parent their child.
Basic Requirements
To receive the application packet, click here or call us at (701) 237-4473
Couples who meet the following basic criteria may apply to adopt a child from CAS:
Adoptive couples must be residents of North Dakota or Minnesota. Occasional exceptions are made to the residency requirement for hard-to-place children.
CAS is non-denominational and couples of any Christian denomination may apply. CAS places an emphasis on the spiritual training the child will receive. Both husband and wife must have accepted Christ as their personal Savior and Lord and must demonstrate that they are growing spiritually through personal devotions and Bible study. Regular church attendance and membership of husband and wife in the same church are required.
Both husband and wife must believe in the sanctity of human life, beginning at conception.
Either husband or wife should be no more than 45 years of age at the time of application.
The couple must have been married long enough to establish a stable marriage (a minimum of 2 years at the time of application). Because CAS bases its beliefs on the historical teachings of the Old and New Testaments, marriage is defined as a legal and spiritual commitment between man and woman.
CAS does not require that a couple have a history of infertility in order to adopt. We do request couples who are actively pursuing adoption not to actively pursue fertility treatments concurrently. A couple who does become pregnant during the adoption process will be placed on hold and may re-initiate that process when the child is 6 months old.
CAS currently accepts applications from couples who have biological children.
A couple who adopts a child may reapply for another adoption any time after the child is 6 months old and the adoption has been finalized.
Exceptions may be made to some of these basic requirements in the case of placement of special needs children or Native American children, or in the event that our waiting list is low at a particular time. Each case is evaluated on an individual basis.